

If you have a unique passion, talent or skill set not listed below that you aren’t sure could be used to give back and serve, let us know! Whether you juggle chainsaws or sculpt from recycled materials or used to be a tightrope walker, we’d love to hear about it and see if we can find a way to connect your unique gifting and experiences into a future volunteer opportunity.


We want to be known what we’re for—not what we’re against. #4Michiana is just that, a quarterly experience where we serve our community. You can serve throughout Michiana or participate by serving from home or in a limited-contact opportunity. We kick things off with a rally and instructions, so for those serving in the community or at a limited contact opportunity, meet at your campus and go from there. Be sure to wear closed-toe shoes and clothing you don’t mind getting dirty!

Community Engagement

Community Engagement helps to accomplish the “GO” of our vision, our radical commitment to be focused on reaching those who don’t know Christ. We want to engage in events that our community is already doing and see how we, as a church, can invest our T.E.A.M. (time, energy, attention and money) and add value to those experiences. The goal? That people in our local community experience the love, compassion and kindness of Jesus…one relationship at a time. If you’re interested in being part of the Community Engagement core team that helps plan, brainstorm and attend upcoming events, let us know.


Every year in the winter, we load and deliver thousands of pounds of food to local food pantries and neighborhoods in an all-church experience we call Food Drop. The Food Drop is made possible by the generosity of the people of Granger Community Church and it’s something we look forward to every year. There’s a way for all ages to get involved in this family-friendly annual event.

Monroe Circle Community Center

Monroe Circle Community Center (MC3) is an outreach of Granger Community Church, with programs designed to assist at-risk men, women and children in inner-city South Bend. We operate a food pantry and helpful classes and resources for our neighbors.
Learn More

Re-Entry Center

Every week we help men finding new life outside the system know that they matter to us and to God by providing church services, small groups and serve opportunities, as well as assistance transitioning back into society through financial peace classes and help locating housing.

Center For the Homeless Team

The Center for the Homeless provides life-changing services to the homeless in our area. There are multiple opportunities to serve, including packing lunches, a Christmas party for children at the center, gardening and more.